Invacare® TDX® SP2: Ride Quality, Benefits, and a Firsthand User Experience

Fasten Your Seat Belts…It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride

We’ve all heard this common expression before.  It means things are about to get a little uncomfortable. Think for a moment how you feel when you’re done with a bumpy ride. How does your body feel after a long road trip, a ride through a parking lot with potholes? My wife and I ran a half marathon in Disney last November, and I couldn’t help but think about how I would feel after a day on all those roller coasters and rides.

It’s no different for those in a wheelchair. Depending on their situation they can experience all the same things you or I would, including fatigue, stiffness, soreness, and pain. For those using alternative drive controls, sometimes a change in position can cause them to lose contact with those controls and be unable to move.

Today’s Power Wheelchairs offer a plethora of options from the type of drive configuration (rear, mid and front) to the features and benefits they offer with regard to suspension and drivability.

It’s not easy but there are plenty of resources to help make it easier. In fact, Invacare has written a comprehensive guide to helping you choose between rear, mid and front wheel drive wheelchairs – The Lifestyle Guide to Power Wheelchair Selection

You might start with a simple question:

Where will the chair be used primarily?

Is the chair mainly going to be used inside the home, outside of the home, or a combination of both? This will help determine if center wheel drive the right choice but, are there other considerations. For example, if the primary use is inside the home, you may choose a model based on the length, width, and turning radius of the chair. Things to consider are the entrances, hallways, room sizes, turning angles, doorway widths and different types of floor surfaces where you’re going to spend most of your time maneuvering. Center wheel drive requires the least amount of room to make a turn making it a great choice for maneuvering in tight spaces.

For outside use there are multiple factors you need to take into consideration such as:

Unpredictable terrain. What does the environment look like where I’ll be using my chair the most? Will I be navigating curbs or large thresholds, maneuvering on slopes or even driving on side slopes? You may have longer distance to drive so you may want high speed motors to get there quicker. Now some of these environments may lend themselves to a rear-wheel drive chair or a front wheel drive chair but if you’re looking at a combination of both, mid wheel drive may be the best choice. Again of course we always recommend that you try any of the chairs in the environment you’re going to be using it in prior to getting it.

Regardless of which type of chair you choose, it’s important to consider the quality of the ride. And a huge contributor to that is the suspension. For example, our TDXSP2, features our patented SureStep® Suspension and Stability Lock.

These two technologies work in synergy to maintain balance and provide stability when transitioning over obstacles. When maneuvering over everyday obstacles or curbs, SureStep Suspension helps to ensure the seat remains close to level and the power wheelchair maintains virtually constant six-wheel contact with the ground.  Stability Lock uses one-way, gas locking cylinders that engage if the rear casters begin to lift off the ground, preventing the chair from lurching forward.


SureStep Suspension and Stability Lock help to reduce vibration from the chair to the user and another benefit is keeping the user as level in their seat as possible as they traverse over or off an obstacle. Often specialty input drivers (Head Array, Sip and Puff, Switches) lose contact with their driver control when navigating obstacles, especially if they have limited core or upper body strength.

Long time Power Wheelchair user, Joseph Frazier (JD), and current TDXSP2 user shared with us the difference the chair makes in his day-to-day life.

“The ride on the TDXSP2 is so smooth. With my previous chair, sidewalks would really take their toll on me. I would feel every crack and bump. I like to go to the lake near my house and most days I would get back from the two-mile round-trip journey and would need a power nap. Now, it’s just not the case. Instead of going out 2-3 times a week, I’m getting out 5-7 times a week.”

JD credits the technology on the chair as a huge part of the performance.

The TDXSP2 offers G-Trac™ Technology. G-Trac is designed to help provide precise tracking for imprecise environments such as side slopes, uneven or soft ground, or even bunched up carpets or door jambs. It’s designed to reduce the need for corrective steering action so the driver uses less effort to reach their destination. Less corrective steering can assist in reduced fatigue, safer driving, increased driving efficiency, enhanced independence, as well as increased energy to perform other daily living activities.

JD agrees commenting:

“I’m very busy most days. Traveling for work or recreation I’m always mindful of how long I can be out before I get fatigued. With the TDXSP2, I’m less concerned. It allows me stay out longer and do more. Like take care of my rental properties, visit the Shepherd Center, or go to trivia on Tuesday nights.”

We asked JD what his go to for trivia is and he said… “Useless knowledge” and then he quizzed us.

In 1922, Chevy offered an option item on their car for an additional $200.00.
Was it seat belts, headlights, or a radio? (answer at the bottom).

Lastly, JD mentioned the importance of a great support team. And he took the time to recognize long time Invacare sales rep – James Keating for helping him get the TDXSP2 – Thanks James!

Try Before You Buy

I’ll leave you with another important expression – “try it before you buy it”. No matter which wheelchair you are considering, do your homework on the technology, consider where and how you will be using it, and of course give it a test drive. And maybe you’ll go from buckle up it’s going to be a bumpy ride to buckle up it’s going to be smooth sailing from here!

Oh, and the answer to the trivia – The radio!

Steve Adams, Invacare Sales Training and Education Specialist


James Keating, Invacare Rehab Sales Specialist &
Joseph Frazier (JD), Invacare TDXSP2 User


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