Motion Concepts Rovi: Innovations Created for the Active End-User

One of the most rewarding experiences within the arena of complex rehab Technology is providing independent mobility for active end-users, especially for children who often times are some of the most active individuals that we have the pleasure of working with. Since the Rovi’s creation, its base has proven to be an outstanding choice in terms of form meeting function, especially for this active population.

Case in Point, Meet Seth (Left) & Liam (Right)


Two amazing twin boys diagnosed with Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy at 18 months of age. Initially, they were issued both Crocodile Walkers at age 7 to assist with gait training and stability during ambulation. By age 8, both Seth and Liam gradually lost the ability to walk. These brothers are very active and often compete with each other in various activities. So, with the loss of gait function, Seth & Liam were then issued each a basic Power Scooter which enabled them a greater level of mobility and independence. Now age 12, they require more Power Positioning options including power tilt/recline along with power seat elevation, which their existing scooter bases could not accommodate.

Due to the boys’ active nature and wanting to go where their peers and their two older twin brothers go, (yes – two sets of twin boys!) they required a base and seating system that would provide stability and safety when going “off-road.” Recently, Seth & Liam have been issued both Rovi Bases with power tilt, recline along with 12-inch power seat elevation. The tit and recline power functions aid with pressure redistribution along with improved seating tolerance and comfort. The seat elevation allows for assistance with transfers along with greater access to their environments, not to mention being able to interact at eye-level with their peers. The base provides the stability they need along with overall good looks which are important at any age!

Mid-Wheel Drive Configuration

Simple elegance comes to mind when describing the overall look and design of this power base. The Rovi’s mid-wheel drive configuration allows for a tight turning radius, along with centering the individuals body mass situated directly over the drive tire, making for a intuitive driving experience, especially when having to negotiate 90 degree left or right turns in confined areas of the home or school environments.

When you compare the Rovi to other mid-wheel drive options, you will notice that the drive tire is in a slightly more forward position than the TDX®SP2, coupled with significant upward and downward travel of the front caster arms. This gives the Rovi some of the benefits that you would experience in a front wheel drive configuration, such as its ability to assist the drive wheel in gaining traction to help climb over obstacles in its path, which lends itself well for more off the beaten path scenarios where children like Seth & Liam and more active end-users often want to go!

Little Things Go A Long Way

The Rovi was designed to orient two batteries into an end-to-end configuration in its base. In this position it allowed engineering to create a narrower base at 23.25” in terms of overall width without sacrificing battery size to be able to fit into the smaller base. More importantly, by placing the batteries in this portrait configuration, the batteries distribute the weight directly in the center and run the length of the base. The even weight distribution helps this compact base with forward/rearward and lateral stability and allows for full range of power positioning options.

Improved Stability with Downward Descent

Using curbs as an example, the Rovi has a unique way of maintaining stability during descent over these types of obstacles. With two horizontally mount torsion springs, one on each front caster arm, this puts a constant downward pressure on each caster. Just as the caster begins its transition over the apex of the curb, the downward pressure of the torsion springs forces the casters to meet the lower portion of the surface first, making a much smoother transition for the mid-wheel followed by the trailing casters with much less likelihood of that dreaded forward pitch that most mid-wheel chairs exhibit over these every day obstacles.

Unique Style

The Rovi offers some the most unique and diverse custom designs and custom colors to make the base your own and to express your unique personality. Whether it’s a basic black paint to fade into the background, or to a flame or skull and crossbones design, the Rovi can match your unique style and personality!

Key Takeaways

With its unique and key features including pressure redistribution, cutting-edge stability and comfort, tight turning radius, end-to-end battery configuration that results in a distribution of weight in the center position of the wheelchair, and its custom design to reflect the driver’s personality, the Rovi lays down a full house of cards on the table. It’s specially designed mid-wheel drive configuration that also acts as a front-wheel drive allows active wheelchair end-users such as Seth & Liam to thrive and experience life to its fullest potential.

Steffen Tiskus, P.T.
Training & Education Coordinator for Motion Concepts


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