Power Story: Rob Mendez

Power stories from Invacare.

The WHY Behind WHAT We Do



Rob Mendez grew up a passionate sports fan; his first word as an infant was “ball.” However, Rob was born with no arms or legs – the result of an extraordinarily rare condition called tetra-amelia syndrome, with very few known cases globally. While Rob couldn’t physically play sports, he didn’t let that stop him from achieving his dream of becoming a high school football coach, author and speaker who now spends time inspiring students and professional athletes from the NFL and MLB.


Mendez moves in an Invacare® AVIVA® Storm RX™ rear-wheel drive power wheelchair with personalized Motion Concepts Ultra Low Maxx seating equipped with Adaptive Switch Labs (ASL) technology that he operates with his shoulders. Rob first learned football by playing Madden football video games, and that is just one incredible detail of his remarkable story.
A busy and accomplished motivational speaker, as well as a successful coach, Rob has been the subject of dozens of profiles in national media, as well as the ESPN documentary short feature, Who Says I Can’t? The film was nominated for a 2019 Emmy Award and was entered in the Tribeca Film Festival. Coach Rob has made appearances on Rachael Ray, NFL Network, ESPN and more.
Fun Facts

Food-2.pngWhat’s your go-to food after a hard-fought game? 
Tacos are my go-to after a late Friday night game!

Travel.pngWhat’s a vacation destination you’ve always wanted to journey to? 
I have always enjoyed going somewhere that I’ve never been to. I would love to visit Europe someday.

Movies.pngWhat are some of your favorite television shows and movies to unwind and watch? 
My two favorite television shows have always been Cheers and The Wonder Years.
As far as movies go, my two favorites are Tombstone and Forest Gump. Run Forest Run!

Sports.pngWhat are your favorite professional sports teams? 
I’m a big San Jose Sharks, San Francisco 49ers, and San Francisco Giants Fan.
When it comes to basketball, I enjoy watching individual players rather than a specific team.

Copy-of-Copy-of-Unnamed-Design.pngWho is your favorite athlete? 
I have many athletes I enjoy watching, but Tom Brady is my all-time favorite.

Music.pngWhat music genre do you enjoy the most and what are a few of your favorite artists?
I enjoy many genres of music, but I especially love classic 90’s music!
A few of my favorite artists go from Eric Clapton to 2Pac.

A Personal Message from Rob to the Invacare Team


Learn More About Rob Mendez

Jimmy V Award recipient Rob Mendez: ‘Who says I can’t go further?’ | 2019 ESPYS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HJIFgb_IbM&t=135sTo learn more about Coach Rob and his new book – Who Says I Can’t please visit

Coach Rob Mendez and the Invacare Team

Left to Right: Stephanie Tanguay, Kristin Guess, Michele Bishop,
Maegen Hurtado, Christina Bertrand, Lisa Rotelli


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