Invacare® TDX® SP2 User, Ian Mackay Sets A New Guinness World Record

YES, Ian MacKay CAN set new Guinness World Records!

On June 22nd, Ian Mackay set a Guinness World Record for the furthest distance traveled in 24 hours while using a Sip & Puff power wheelchair on Suavie Island, Oregon. Ian traveled 184.4 miles in only 23 ½ hours, breaking the previous record by 10 miles! Ian drove 15 times around a 12-mile loop on Sauvie Island- with few breaks and no sleep.


Ian’s determination and fortitude were key in achieving this monumental record and we are so thrilled to have been able to be part of this journey – Ian’s wheelchair is an Invacare® TDX® SP2 sporting the G-Trac™, DuraWatt™ motors, SureStep® suspension and stability lock, LED lighting, LiNX® Controls and Ultra Low Maxx seating.
How did these work in sync to provide Ian with a durable and efficient ride over the 23.5-hour long journey?

G-Trac: Helped Ian stay on his path with less course corrections and fatigue along the Sauvie Island course.

Durawatt High Speed Motors: Allowed Ian to capture the world record of driving 184.40 miles in a power chair in less than 24 hours, beating the past record by more than 10 miles.

SureStep Suspension: Absorbed many of the bumps and uneven terrain he encountered on the course.

LED Lights: Ian did not sleep during this record breaking attempt, which meant he needed to travel at night. The LED lighting system illuminated his path in the dark.

Ultra Low Maxx: Allowed Ian to find multiple comfortable positions so he could stay in the chair for over 24 hours.

LiNX Controls:  Supported navigation on a windy road with small adjustments

Many congratulations to Ian and look out for more stories coming soon on this amazing record set by him!

Learn more about the event by clicking the links below.

(Left to Right) Michelle Bishop, Ian Mackay, and Lisa Rotelli
Ian’s determination!
12 mile loop on Sauvie Island, Oregon that Ian lapped 15 times.

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home

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