People Spotlight: Vuong Nguyen, Marketing & Territory Manager, Total Care

What advice would you give to other providers when working with post-acute customers?
My advice is to be an expert in the understanding of the manufacturer you’re working with and the products they offer. Knowing what these things are and how to use them is essential in this field. I would also advise others to prioritize patient care and supply them with a product that will bring happiness and independence.

What would you say is your proudest moment while on the job or in the field?
It’s the greatest feeling in the world when you have a patient who has been dependent for years and suddenly you show up with a new product that allows them to become independent and they start crying tears of joy. Nothing else in the world can even come close to that and I’m especially proud that I’m able to provide patients with life changing products.

Which Invacare product has most impressed you and why?
I am especially impressed by the Invacare TDX SP2 Power Wheelchair. It’s easy to use and the LiNX technology attachment is so helpful for troubleshooting any adjustments that need to be made to the wheelchair, and you can do so using the LiNX app on your smartphone! I am also very impressed by the Freedom Designs P.R.O. CG Tilt-in-Space wheelchair. It comes with a plethora of functions and adjustment options.

What motivates your hard work and dedication to providing customers with the best service?
My driving force is the ability to make a change in patients’ lives. That has been my main motivation in this industry since 2008 and has never changed.

What factors come into play when evaluating power mobility products?
First, I consider the patient’s goal. There are some excellent products that would match the patient clinically but not with what the patient desires. I consider which product will bring them joy, and this must be factored into my evaluation. That is why, when I am evaluating a patient with a therapist, I use this method. It’s always about the patient, not just what we want for them, but also what they want for themselves in order to live a happy life.

What do you hope to accomplish in the next few years?
I would like to help take Total Care to a national level and to accomplish that I plan on continuing to carry myself in the field based on what I can do to change as many lives as possible. With that, I believe I can develop and grow an account for Total Care.

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I played competitive chess when I was younger. In fact, as a middle schooler, I achieved a national high ranking in chess and have lots of trophies at home to show for it. I can also read Vietnamese and speak two languages.

What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy reading, working out, and occasionally I like to go fishing. I love food more than anything, right now I’m in a big Greek Mediterranean food phase!

What’s included on your bucket list?
I would like to start traveling outside of the country more. I’m very interested in learning about the history and culture of countries that I travel to. It really helps opens my perspective about many things that I did not know before.

What excites you when you get up in the morning?
Waking up in the morning I look forward to what challenges the day will bring me. Whether it’s a personal challenge or a work-related challenge, I always look forward to tasks that help me grow personally and make a difference in the lives of others.

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
If I could do anything for a day, I would be putting more wheelchairs together to deliver to patients. Seeing their reactions filled with joy is priceless and it’s something I could do all day, any day! There really are no words to describe this feeling and I’m thankful I get the opportunity to do it.

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