Power Story: Kam Redlawsk

Power stories from Invacare.

The WHY Behind WHAT We Do



Kam Redlawsk was born in South Korea, raised in Michigan, and now lives in California as a disabled industrial designer, artist, (rare disease and disability) advocate, traveler, writer, and speaker. She is also an adopted Korean American. As an artist and writer, she depicts moments from her life, primarily thoughts on living with GNE Myopathy, a very rare and degenerative muscle-wasting disorder which never stops, which took over Kam’s body when she was 17 years old, she has lived with the GNE Myopathy for over 23 years. Kam creates art with the idea that sometimes, an image may convey a message that words alone cannot.

Kam earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Automotive Industrial Design from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. She is a multi-award-winning designer, artist, and advocate who specializes in product design, creative branding and vision, graphic design, illustration, and nonprofit work. She has designed a wide range of products, including cell phones, toys, and electronics, as well as the world’s cheapest prosthetic knee joint for underserved countries. She applies her design skills and life experiences to creative projects that elevate and celebrate disability and inclusion in order to educate a society that has little representation for disabled people.

Her advocacy career began when she became the first blogger with her disease and she began sharing more intimate details about what it’s like to have a rare disease and disability. She aims to provide an honest portrayal of her daily struggles, triumphs, and journey through writing, video journaling, and design. From the funny, to the good, the bad, the migration of her weakness, to being a designer, to a constantly forming perspective and a spirit that grows despite her deteriorating body. Typically, you’ll find Kam on road trips, in nature, scavenging for art destinations or concocting exploration plans. She’s a daydreamer, a chaser of inspiration and believes stories create bridges within humanity.

Kam had previously used the Alber™ e-motion™ power assist, which she appreciated because it allowed her to keep pushing herself and using her arms without having to switch to a full on power wheelchair due to the recessive disease. Years later, Kam found it difficult to continue pushing her wheelchair which is how she was introduced to the Alber™ e-fix® power assist, which serves as portable power attached to her manual wheelchair. Her favorite features of the e-fix include how easy it is to collapse and transport for travel, the device’s minimal parts that can be assembled without the use of tools, and how easily it fits into narrow spaces in her condo such as doorways and hallways. Kam also expresses gratitude to her provider, South Bay Home Health Care, for assisting her throughout her disability journey for the past eight years and doing everything possible to ensure that she is provided with the proper equipment to suit her active lifestyle.

Fun Facts

travel.jpgWhat are a few destinations you have always wanted to travel to and why?
India is the next destination on the list. I’ve always been curious about other cultures. I visited Europe in June; it was wonderful, but my husband and I often like countries that are very dissimilar to our own, such as Africa, India, Bali, Singapore, and so on.

korea.jpgWhat are a few of your most memorable adventures and why?
I would have to say when I visited Korea in 2010 to meet my foster mother. My case worker was there when my husband and I visited my orphanage, which was incredibly amazing. Another is Machu Picchu; ever since I studied about it in high school, I’ve wanted to travel there.

art.jpgAre there any particular writings or works of art in which you are most proud?
Each one has a unique significance; I created Zebra Tails for a woman I met online who lives in New York and suffers from a number of incredibly rare diseases. I had been following her tale, so I created this piece – one of my most mature works – which required a lot of time and attention to detail.

mark-twain.jpgWhat’s a famous quote that sticks with you?
Mark Twain’s quote: “Write what you know.” That, in my opinion, is really significant since because it tells you to stay true to your core. No one knows your tale better than you, and it’s probable that your narrative is a compilation of many other experiences that people have lived in some capacity. I write what I know and feel, which is crucial to the aspect of being true and personal, and that is how I conduct my advocacy.

food.jpgWhat’s your all-time favorite meal?
Asian or Italian cuisine. I started learning more about Korean cuisine as I became more connected to my heritage. If I had to choose one meal, Kimchi is one of my favorites.

coffee.jpgDo you have any guilty pleasures?
My guilty pleasures are true crime, any documentary I can get my hands on and coffee.

A Personal Message from Kam to the Invacare Family


Learn More about Kam Redlawsk


Kam admiring the beauty of nature while on a hike


Artwork by Kam titled: What’s everyone staring at?


Kam with her furry best friend, Pippi, named after Pippi Longstocking


Artwork by Kam titled: it’ll be alright


Kam at the Palace of Versailles, France


Artwork by Kam titled: Zebra Tails

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